Yard Management System
As like a Warehouse is a storage and Transit place for other products, Yards are for the automobiles.
An unorganized Yards are like unorganized Warehouses where Knowing the location to put and from where to pick is a highly time consuming job and impacts overall Order Fulfilments.
Yards being open area and larger in size makes this impact higher.
A correct automation can help make the process accurate , faster and more productive. DDAPL can help on same to its customers.
YMS Specialties

Intelligent Digital Process
Solution for 2 & 4 Wheelers.
Know the Available Parking area & guide the worker to reach location.
Capture the parking location real-time and map in system.
Know the pick yard & location within it and guide the route to worker.
Real time update on operation progress and status.
100% Inventory Visibility
- Know the Correct on hand inventory, with each transaction recorded real time in system.

Increased Productivity
System confirms for the correct vehicle pick.
With Location accuracy at 1 meters & System route guiding makes the vehicle locating process Easy & faster.
Even distribution within workers by yard assignments for park and Pick.

Seamless Integration
- Seamlessly integrate WMS and ERP for Auto Data flow & communication between Systems
- Post every transaction in ERP without need to work on ERP in parallel to YMS.

Reports & Dashboard
- Custom Reports & Dashboard with analytics to give information on Operation status.
- Worker Performance.
- Order Fulfilment.
- And any others as needed by client.